Dinosaurs |
Dinosaurs used to be called Dragons. The word "dinosauria" was coined by Dr Richard Owen, a famous British creationist scientist, around 1841. It means "terrible lizard", for this is what the huge bones made him think of. They are mentioned many times in ancient historical documents, including the Bible. There are actual documented human encounters these amazing creatures (see bottom of page). Now its an agreed upon fact that dinosaurs are reptiles. Did you know reptiles never stop growing? So then, a dinosaur is simply a very old reptile, but of species which are extinct today (dinosaurs had posture that was fully erect, similar to that in mammals. Most other reptiles have limbs in a sprawling position). OK, but why don't reptiles live as long today? To answer that, we must turn to the Bible for answers.
The Bible tells us that God created all of the land animals on the sixth day of creation. As dinosaurs were land animals, they must have been made on this day, alongside Adam and Eve, who were also created on Day Six (Genesis 1:24-31, Job 40:15). If God designed and created dinosaurs, they would have been fully functional, designed to do what they were created for, and would have been 100% dinosaur. This fits exactly with the evidence from the fossil record. Here's a great video which explains why dinosaurs are evidence for creation, not evolution:
How did the Dinosaurs die?
Actually nearly every fossil, not just dinosaurs, are found in sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rock is formed by water. It flows into place and then dries and sometimes, but not always, hardens into rock (depending on what ingredients are present, such as lime). It is important to know that many fossils are found in compressed sand, which easily disintegrates byscraping with your finger. But evolutionists refuse to call it sand, because that would give people the idea that the fossils aren't really as old as they say.
So we know all of these areas were covered by water. Now if one were to count the types of fossils that are found, 95% of all fossils are marine invertebrates. This only means they have no backbone and live in the water like a jelly fish. So billions of dead creatures have been buried in a watery, muddy, "flood-like" event all over the earth. This sounds a lot like the flood of Noah described in the the Bible, doesn't it? (please read Genesis chapter 6)
Watch this incredibly informative video asDr. Hovind
traces the Biblical and historical references to dinosaursWatch the Video
traces the Biblical and historical references to dinosaursWatch the Video
Dinosaurs in historical accounts
Evolutionists want to make us believe that dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago to support their theory of evolution. But if this were true, there would never have been any interaction between men and dinosaurs. So are there any? Yes! There are many accounts of dragons in folklore all around the world. There's even a dinosaur account in the Bible. We read about a dinosaur in Job chapter 40:
"Look at the land beast, Behemoth. I created him as well as you. Grazing on grass, docile as a cow -- Just look at the strength of his back, the powerful muscles of his belly. His tail sways like a cedar in the wind; his huge legs are like beech trees. His skeleton is made of steel, every bone in his body hard as steel. Most magnificent of all my creatures, but I still lead him around like a lamb! The grass-covered hills serve him meals, while field mice frolic in his shadow. He takes afternoon naps under shade trees, cools himself in the reedy swamps, Lazily cool in the leafy shadows as the breeze moves through the willows. And when the river rages he doesn't budge, stolid and unperturbed even when the Jordan goes wild. But you'd never want him for a pet -- you'd never be able to housebreak him!" ...
Notice his tail is like a cedar tree. This is no elephant! |
In Nurluc, France they renamed their city because of a creature they killed that was bigger than an ox and had three horns coming out of its head.
Marco Polo lived in China for 17 years, around 1271 A.D. Upon his return from Asia, he reported of families raising dragons, yoking them to royal chariots for parades and special occasions, and using dragon parts for medicinal purposes.8 Interestingly, the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac are animals, eleven of which are everyday, extant creatures (rat, horse, dog, ox, rabbit, tiger, snake, ram, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig.) The twelfth is the dragon. Why would the Chinese include the “mythological” dragon with these common living animals? And we trust Marco for other history why not also dinosaurs or "Dragons"?
Dragons are a very big part of Chinese culture. Obviously there muse be a reason behind it.
The early Britons, from whom the modern Welsh are descended, provide us with our earliest surviving European accounts of reptilian monsters, one of whom killed and devoured king Morvidus (Morydd) in ca 336 BC. We are told in the account translated for us by Geoffrey of Monmouth, that the monster 'gulped down the body of Morvidus as a big fish swallows a little one.' Geoffrey described the animal as a Belua. But this isn't the only dinosaur account recorded by the Anglo-Saxon and other records. (see bottom of page for more). Should we reject all of these accounts because Dr. So and So says we should? Not me!
Proof Man and Dinosaurs lived together
Various Indian drawings on rock walls tell us the Indians actually saw living dinosaurs. They drew on rock walls what they saw with their eyes. The Anasazi Indians of the American southwest made pictures on rocks showing dinosaurs and men. A thick coat of “desert varnish” on these images proves that these pictures were created many hundreds of years ago. Desert varnish (windblown pollen and dust) slowly accumulates on rocks in the desert; the varnish on the Anasazi pictures is so thick that they must have been drawn many hundreds of years ago. Therefore, these art works are not frauds perpetrated by mischievous European newcomers (who had no motive for such a fraud), but were made by natives long ago, showing men and dinosaurs living together. In the ancient city of Angkor in Cambodia, we can see a stegosaurus carved in one of the temple walls. In Mexico, many hundreds ancient dinosaur figurines have been unearthed, some even with men riding them! (see below)
This is not just accidental similarity between the Indian artwork and what we believe the edmontosaurus looked like!
This remarkable pictograph can be seen etched into the canyon walls of the Grand Canyon. Other animals show the same clarity. The people living there not too long ago saw reptiles that we only see in books. They painted what they observed. Dinosaurs did not become extinct 65 million years before the "evolution" of man. They were obviously created at the same time!
Cave drawing of a long neck dragon. Bottom picture is outlined in white to show it's shape better.
Ica Stone, found in the Ica valley in Peru. The people lived there about 3,000 years ago. How did they know what dinosaurs looked like? |
More Indian artwork from Canada. The evolutionary time-table has been proved entirely wrong.
This carving was found on a Cambodian temple wall. It is an excellent depiction of a stegosaurus, many hundreds of years old. How could they have known about stegosaurs if they had never seen one?
Thousands of Indian clay figurines have been unearthed in Acambaro, Mexico.
This pottery is several thousand years old. Remember we aren't supposed to know what dinosaurs looked like until the late 1800's really the mid 1900's. This Pottery is dated back to between 800BC and 200 AD.
Please see our Dinosaur Depictions page for many more examples
Many irrefutable proofs Dinosaurs and Man coexisted
Footprints in the sand
There are many dinosaur footprints being found worldwide. Some have been found with human footprints. Evolutionists do everything they can to discredit these finds. You - the reader - must decide for yourself. We try to gather as much archaeological information as possible to help you know how much evidence is being kept from you in the school textbooks -information the evolutionists don't want you to know about.
The Alvis Delk Track
This spectacular fossil footprint was found in July of 2000 by amateur archaeologist, Alvis Delk of Stephenville, Texas and is now on display at the Creation Evidence Museum, Glen Rose, TX. Mr. Delk found the loose slab against the bank of the Paluxy River, about one mile north of Dinosaur Valley State Park. He flipped over the rock and saw an excellent dinosaur track, so he took it home where it sat in his living room for years, with hundreds of other fossils.
Early in 2008 he had a devastating accident. He fell off of a roof incurring damage that required months of hospitalization. He still has a dangerous blood clot in his brain. When he returned to his home, he decided he would sell the dinosaur track, thinking Dr. Carl Baugh of the nearby Creation Evidence Museum would pay a few hundred dollars for it. He began to clean the rock, and that was when he discovered the fossil human footprint underneath the dried clay! The human footprint had been made first, and shortly thereafter (before the mud turned to stone), a dinosaur stepped in the mud with its middle toe stepping on top of the human track. You can actually see the displaced mud from the dinosaur's middle toe inside the human footprint. Spiral CT scans are used to generate images of the inside of an object from a large series of two-dimensional X-ray images taken around a single axis of rotation. This technology provides an effective means of analyzing fossil footprints without physically destroying them. It allows us to see inside the rock, specifically, under the footprint.
The slab was taken to the Glen Rose medical center where spiral CT scans were performed on the rock. Over 800 X-ray images document density changes within the rock that correspond precisely with the fossil footprints. Of course, carvings would show no corresponding structures beneath them. The existence of following contours beneath the fossil footprints dramatically demonstrate the authenticity of both tracks.
According to evolutionary theory, the dinosaur tracks at Glen Rose, TX were made at least 100 million years before humans were supposed to have evolved. Of course dinosaurs and humans cannot be stepping in each other's footprint if they are millions of years apart. These footprints provide profound evidence refuting the evolutionary myth. Of course, evolutionists do everything they can to refute findings like these, I guess simply because it doesn't agree with their religion. How much better would their time be spent seriously looking into all of the archaeological finds around them, instead of discounting them!
Precambrian Trilobites are supposed to be separated from man by millions of years, yet fossils appear in "recent" strata and even within a fossil sandal print. There are thousands of fossils that are "out of order" and even sophisticated man-made artifacts in "ancient" rock. There are fossil clams on the highest mountains and human tracks in supposed ancient layers of volcanic ash.
A fossil footprint was discovered in June 1968 by William J. Meister on an expedition to Antelope Spring, 43 miles west of Delta, Utah. The sandal that seems to have crushed a living trilobite was 10 1/4 inches long and 3 1/2 inches wide; the heel is indented slightly more than the sole, as a human shoe print would be.
This photo was taken by the late Dr. Cecil Daugherty, in the 1970's. It shows a human footprint within a trail of dinosaur tracks in the bed of the Paluxy River in Glen Rose, Texas.
Modern Dinosaur Carcases
OK, we have looked at archaeological and historical evidences for man and dinosaurs living together. Is there any evidence of dinosaurs living today? The photographs below give us strong indication that maybe dinosaurs aren't completely extinct.
In 1977, Japanese fishermen on board the Zuiyo Maru caught a dead, very smelly "monster", in their nets at a depth of 900 feet. It was estimated to have been dead for over a month. It was 32 feet long and weighed over 4,000 pounds. The fishermen measured it, photographed it, took tissue samples, and promptly threw it overboard before it could contaminate their "real catch". From all the evidence available to them, Japanese scientists believed the creature to "look very much like a Plesiosaur". One scientist said, "It seems that these animals are not extinct after all. It is impossible for only one to have survived. There must be a group." The Japanese government commemorated this find with a postage stamp.
The Sea Monster of Santa Cruz - This apparent Plesiosaur washed up on Moore's Beach (now Natural Bridges State Beach) in Monterey Bay, California in 1925. The neck was described as being about 20 feet long. Some scientists postulated that it was an extremely rare type of beaked whale, while others believed it to be a variety of plesiosaur. After thoroughly examining the carcass, the renowned naturalist E. L. Wallace concluded that the creature could not be a whale and might be a plesiosaur that had been preserved and subsequently melted out of glacial ice. The story is given in Randall Reinsted's 1975 book Shipwrecks and Sea Monsters. It is also prominently featured in Skin Diver magazine of November, 1989 which discusses the Monterey Submarine Canyon. This mysterious underwater trench extends many miles into the Pacific and is one of the least studied ocean chasms.
Here are some other interesting photos taken around the world.
We could give more examples but it must be clear that ancient man saw dinosaurs before they became extinct as many animals do today. Even now we have over 1200 animals on the endangered species list. I am not sure why so many are mystified that dinosaurs have gone extinct. It is only the falsified interpretation of the fossil record and geologic column that created the idea. As demonstrated by the coelacanth fish and literally hundreds of others living fossils (such as crocodiles).
The bottom line is that we now know that God's word is true and there is never a reason to doubt that you can trust God's Word from cover to cover.
As one man put it, "the bible is the rock upon which many hammers have been broken". I would agree. There will always be attacks on the bible but we can continue to put our trust in the unbreakable word of God.
The bottom line is that we now know that God's word is true and there is never a reason to doubt that you can trust God's Word from cover to cover.
As one man put it, "the bible is the rock upon which many hammers have been broken". I would agree. There will always be attacks on the bible but we can continue to put our trust in the unbreakable word of God.
The following are two chapters from "Old Earth, why not?" by James I. Nienhuis (genesisveracity.com). You can read the entire document by clicking here.
Dinosaurs Died Out About 65 Million Years Ago?
If you accept this premise, there should be no known human contact with dinosaurs in history. You judge if there has been recent interaction between humans and “dinosaurs.” The word “dinosaur” was not used until 1841, when a British scientist, Sir Richard Owen, while studying the fossils of large reptiles, decided they were a new order of animal, and named them dinosaurs (which means terrible lizards). Throughout history, these “terrible lizards” have encountered humans, and many of the encounters took place in Sir Owens’ own British Isles.
From The History of the British Kings, translated from a now unknown ancient Welsh language by Geoffry of Monmouth, we learn that King Morvidus (who ruled around 330 B.C.) was devoured by a large reptilian monster. The account states that the creature “gulped down the body of Morvidus as a big fish swallows a little one.” The animal was called a belua.1 A monster at Buries in Suffolk, England is reported in a chronicle from 1405 A.D.:
“Close to the town of Buries, near Sudbury, there has lately appeared, to the great hurt of the countryside, a dragon, vast in body, with a crested head, teeth like a saw, and a tail extending to an enormous length. Having slaughtered the shepherd of a flock, it devoured many sheep.” After failed attempts by local archers to kill the beast, due to its tough hide: . . . “in order to destroy him, all the country people around were summoned. When the dragon saw that he was again to be assailed by arrows, he fled into a marsh or mere and there hid himself among the long reeds, and was no more seen.”
British government officials apparently were unaware that flying reptiles had been extinct for millions of years when they reported in 1793 A.D.:
“In the end of November and beginning of December last, many of the country people observed…dragons, appearing in the north and flying rapidly towards the east, from which they concluded, and their conjectures were right, that . . . boisterous weather would follow.”
The lore and literature of Great Britain are peppered with other accounts of reptilian giants. Hundreds of sightings of the “Loch Ness Monster” have made news; but over forty sightings on Loch Morar, and other sightings on Lochs Lomond, Awe, and Rannoch have not made the news.
Over 100 townships of Britain have reported dragons throughout their histories; yet, they went extinct 65 million years ago? Apollonius of Tyana, traveler and historian from 2,000 years ago, noted that “. . . the whole of India is girt with enormous dragons, in marshes and mountains.” He said that the marsh dragons were 30 cubits (about 60 feet) long, sluggish, with black skin, and fewer scales than the mountain dragons. Apollonius chronicled these mountain dragons as being golden in color, of great length, fast as a river, and killers of elephants.
The Roman historian, Pliny the Elder, said that in India the elephants are constantly at war with the dragons. He noted that the dragons would leap from trees onto passing elephants, bite their trunks and eyes, and coil about them. The elephants tried to scrape the dragons off on the trees, but the dragons’ coiling constriction and venom killed the elephants, which then fell dead upon the dragons and fatally crushed them. Likewise, the dragons would hide in waterholes and ambush the elephants, with the same ensuing struggles and results.
Herodotus, a Greek historian from around 400 B.C., wrote that serpents soared in the skies of Arabia.9 (This winged serpent, called by the natives “Kongamato,” apparently still flies in southern Africa.)
The Sioux Indians of America tell of a 20-foot 5 wingspan flying creature being hit by lightning, and made pictures of this creature; this may be is the infamous “Thunderbird” which has been in American Indian lore for centuries. Two Arizona cowboys, as reported in the “Tombstone Epitaph” newspaper, killed a large flying reptile in 1890. The creature reportedly had an eight foot alligator-like head with a mouth full of teeth. The cowboys cut of its wing tip (which was a tough membrane, like a bat’s) for a trophy.
Nerluc, France was renamed in honor of a dragon killing. The animal reportedly was larger than an ox with long, sharp horns. The well-known old European science book, “Historia Animalium,” says that dragons were not extinct in the 1500’s A.D., but were very rare and relatively small. In the Bible, the book of Job 40:15 (probably from about 2000 B.C.) describes in great detail the Behemoth. Huge, lumbering and living in swamps, it had a tail “like a cedar tree.” Evolutionists claim this creature was an elephant or hippopotamus; but with a tail like a cedar tree? I think not.
The Anasazi Indans of the American southwest made pictures on rocks showing dinosaurs and men.15 A thick coat of “desert varnish” on these images proves that these pictures were created many hundreds of years ago. Desert varnish (windblown pollen and dust) slowly accumulates on rocks in the desert; the varnish on the Anasazi pictures is so thick that they must have been drawn many hundreds of years ago. Therefore, these art works are not frauds perpetrated by mischievous European newcomers (who had no motive for such a fraud), but were made by natives long ago, showing men and dragons living together.
In South America, burial stones from the Ica Stones reveal creatures that look like triceratops, pterosaurs, and tyrannosaurus rexes coexisting with humans. On Dec.11, 1999 villagers near Boboa, New Guinea saw a huge swimming lizard, as reported in “The Independent” newspaper of Papua, New Guinea. The newspaper also declared that the following day, a pastor and church elder saw the animal not far from the first sighting. The creature was described as having a body “as long as a dump truck and nearly two meters wide, with a long neck and long slender tail.” It was walking on hind legs as thick “as thick as a coconut palms’ tree trunk,” and had two smaller forelegs. The head was similar in shape to a cow’s, with large eyes and “sharp teeth as long as fingers.” The skin was like a crocodile, and it had “largish scoops on its back.”
The Roman historian, Dio (also known as Cassius), wrote that one day, when Regulus, a Roman consul (third century B.C.), was fighting against Carthage (North Africa), a dragon suddenly crept up and settled behind the wall of the Roman army. The Romans killed it by order of Regulus, skinned it, and sent the hide to the Roman Senate. When the dragon was measured by order of the Senate, it turned to be an amazing 120 feet long, and the thickness was fitting to the length. Were the thousands of people who have seen gigantic reptiles all lying or hallucinating? This is highly unlikely. The evidence is overwhelming that dinosaurs did not go extinct 65 million years ago. To ignore the plethora of dinosaur sightings and detailed descriptions is akin to the proverbial ostrich with its head in the sand.
Dinosaur Fossils Are Millions Of Years Old?
Since dinosaurs have been with us throughout history, one wonders if the dinosaur fossils are as old as advertised (65-150 million years old). Fossils formed when sand and clay covered dead or dying organisms at the bottom of a body of water. Subsequently, the water receded from these sedimentary deposits, allowing them to dry out and harden into rock, and thus, encased the organisms. If these creatures did die and fossilize millions of years ago, no organic material should be present in the fossils, as this material would have disintegrated or been mineralized millions of years ago. But lo and behold, fossils have been discovered containing residual organic material, thus indicating the fossils are in the thousands, not millions, of years of age. This should not surprise us, as dinosaurs are inextricably linked to human history.
Organic osteocalcyn was found in dinosaurs’ bones, as reported by Gerhard Muyzer. This bone protein should have long ago randomly decomposed, or turned into rock (mineralized) by mineral-rich waters percolating through the entombed creature and its surrounding rock, presuming the bones are millions of years old. In Mongolia, a mother dinosaur fossil was excavated which was brooding upon 22 eggs. The presence of protein in buried dinosaur eggs is highly surprising considering the chemical instability of protein. Faculty and staff at Montana State University were shocked to discover that a tyrannosaurus rex bone contained red blood cells. These old earth, evolutionist researchers ran six different tests, attempting to prove they were not red blood cells. But all the tests came back positive, causing panic for mainstream earth scientists; though predictably, the test results were not front-page news, as the other revelations of allegedly anomalous organic presence were not.
Dinosaur bones have been discovered in Alberta, Canada that are encased within ironstone nodules. “The nodules prevented water from invading the bones which, for all intents and purposes, cannot be distinguished from modern bones.”
Bones have been found in northern Alaska for decades which until recently were assumed to be of buffalos because they are so fresh looking and un-fossilized. When scientists arrived and analyzed the bones, they determined the bones were of duck-billed dinosaurs. Fresh, unmineralized dinosaur bones totally defy the notion that they are millions of years old. Most dinosaur bones discovered contained the original bone that should have randomly decomposed over the hypothesized millions of years of their burial within the sedimentary strata. The presence of organic material in the specimen described in this chapter defies the hypothesis of dinosaur extinctions 65 millions years ago, as do the hundreds of “dragon” encounters with humans noted in the previous chapter. These contradictions shall be resolved as we look further into the available evidence.
Ancient Dinosaur Depictions |
Over the years, many figurines, pottery, wall paintings and other pictures depicting dinosaurs, often together with other common animals and even men have been found in various places around the world. Here are a few, many of which are on display in various museums around the world. Predictably, evolutionists either ignore or insist these are forgeries and frauds of creationists. As ridiculous as this is, its what they do. If men never saw living dinosaurs there would be no pictographs of men hunting dinosaurs anywhere in the world, right? This webpage will prove beyond doubt that there are many such pictographs and pottery found all around the world. Lets start with this short YouTube video showing pictographs of Amazon rainforest tribesmen hunting dinosaurs:
To the right is a picture of a dinosaur fighting a mammoth from the book Buried Alive by Dr. Jack Cuozzo. It was taken by the author in the Bernifal Cave, one of the caverns in France that is renowned for Neanderthal artifacts. The cave has been closed to the public. Science News was given the opportunity to publish the remarkable photo, but declined. It seems that evidence against the prevailing paradigm of naturalistic origin was selected against. It is buried alive by the scientific establishment. As Cuozzo says, this is natural selection in the most literal sense!
The art below is from a Mesopotamian cylinder seal dated at 3300 BC. (Moortgart, Anton, The Art of Ancient Mesopotamia, 1969, plate 292.) The animal on the right is an artists conception from a skeleton of an Apatosaurus. There are many striking similarities between these two depictions. The legs and feet on the Egyptian art clearly fit the sauropods better than any other type of animal. The biggest difference is at the head. Cartilage forming the shape of a frill or ears may be stylized or accurate (since there is no way to know from the skeletons we have today). As for the musculature, the Egyptian artist draws with stunning realism. One has to ask where the artist got the model to draw so convincingly the trunk of a sauropod? The preponderance of these long-necked depictions in ancient art (note also the Egyptian wand depiction) motivated archaeologists who do not believe men and dinosaurs coexisted to invent a name for this particular creature. It is called a "serpopard," supposedly a mosaic of a serpent and a leopard. But for those who believe that man was created in the beginning alongside the great reptiles, these palettes seem to be an attempt to depict a sauropod dinosaur. Note the "Four Dogs Palette" with the "serpopard" cut out for clarity. To the right is a Roman mosaic from about 200 AD that depicts two long-necked sea dragons. Paul Taylor, author ofThe Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible, likens them to the web-footed Tanystropheus shown beside. "An ancient Mayan relief sculpture of a peculiar bird with reptilian characteristics has been discovered in Totonacapan, in northeastern section of Veracruz, Mexico. José Diaz-Bolio, a Mexican archaeologist-journalist responsible for the discovery, says there is evidence that the serpent-bird sculpture, located in the ruins of Tajín, is not merely the product of Mayan flights of fancy, but a realistic representation of an animal that lived during the period of the ancient Mayans - 1,000 to 5,000 years ago. If indeed such serpent-birds were contemporary with the ancient Mayan culture, the relief sculpture represents a startling evolutionary oddity. Animals with such characteristics are believed to have disappeared 130 million years ago." (Anonymous, "Serpent-Bird of the Mayans," Science Digest, vol. 64 November 1968, p. 1) The picture to the right (click to enlarge) was drawn by North American Anasazi Indians that lived in the area that has now become Utah approximately 150 B.C. - 1200 A.D. Even noted anti-creationists agree that it resembles a dinosaur and that the brownish film which has hardened over the picture, along with the pitting and weathering, attests to its age. Deep in the jungles of Cambodia are ornate temples and palaces from the Khmer civilization. "A fantastic mystery has developed over a set of cave paintings found in the Gorozomzi Hills, 25 miles from Salisbury. For the paintings include a brontosaurus - the 67-foot, 30-ton-like creature scientists believed became extinct millions of years before man appeared on earth. Yet the bushmen who did the paintings ruled Rhodesia from only 1500 b.c. until a couple of hundred years ago. And the experts agree that the bushmen always painted from life. At a museum in Manitou Springs, Colorado, there is an unusual carved artifact. It is an Indian prayer stick (see below left), roughly a foot long, with a crested head, eyes on both sides, and beaked mouth. The beautiful artistic work stands out as strikingly like a pterodactyl! This portrayal from a Saxon shield mount reveals a pterosaur-like creature at rest. The wings are folded back along its scale-like sides, a long beak full of teeth, crest, and an unmistakable tail vane all make the depiction compelling. The wings are folded back along its scale-like sides, a long beak full of teeth, crest, and an unmistakable tail vane all make the depiction compelling.The flying reptile widfloga (or far-ranging flyer) was known to the Saxons and this shield-boss came from the Sutton Hoo burial site. It is displayed at the British Museum (click to enlarge). One would think that such hard evidence would be highly problematic for evolutionary theory. Indeed Dr. Philip Kitcher, in his anti-creationist book Abusing Science, claims that solid evidence that dinosaurs and man co-existed would "shake the foundations of evolutionary theory." (1998, p. 121) Likewise, Strahler insists that "it is conceivable that a scientist will some day discover human bones among dinosaur bones in such a relationship that it is judged highly likely that humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time. Such a finding would deal a crushing blow to the widely favored hypothesis of a unique evolutionary sequence. In Popper language, the hypothesis of evolution would be falsified." (Strahler, Arthur N., Science and Earth History: The Evolution /Creation Controversy, 1999, p. 17.) Unfortunately the history of Darwinian theories suggests that all such evidence would quickly be assimilated into evolution theory. But one can at least hope that as more evidence comes to light, the credibility of the evolutionary story-tellers will at last wear thin!
It seems that everywhere we look, we find things that contradict the "scientific orthodoxy" of today. But the scientific establishment will never, ever acknowledge or admit to these artefacts as being authentic. To do so would be to admit that they are completely wrong about our origins and thus all of the text books used to indoctrinate out children with. This is unacceptable to them, so we will never expect them to do so. Only the return of the Lord Jesus Christ will cause them to admit to the truth. But the Bible says they will mourn when this happens:
I highly recommend watching the video below after viewing this page, as it presents many other facts and pictures which the evolutionists don't want you to see.
Watch this incredibly informative video asDr. Hovind
traces the Biblical and historical references to dinosaursWatch the Video
http://www.6000years.org/frame.php?page=other_fossils |
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