The April 1815 eruption of Tambora left a crater 7 miles wide and half a mile deep, spewing an estimated 400 million tons of sulfuric gases into the atmosphere and leading to "the year without summer" in the U.S. and Europe.
It was 10 times more powerful than Indonesia's much better-known Krakatoa blast of 1883 — history's second deadliest. But it doesn't share the same international renown, because the only way news spread across the oceans at the time was by slowboat, said Tambora researcher Indyo Pratomo.
Now, let's look at some Volcano & Earthquake events that took place in the early 1800's that seem to be repeating or may soon be repeating themselves:
1. 1811 to 1812 - Shortly after 2 o'clock on the morning of December 16, 1811, the Mississippi River valley was convulsed by an earthquake so severe that it awakened people in cities as distant at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Norfolk, Virginia. This shock inaugurated what must have been the most frightening sequence of earthquakes ever to occur in the United States. Intermittent strong shaking continued through March 1812 and aftershocks strong enough to be felt occurred through the year 1817. The initial earthquake of December 16 was followed by two other principal shocks, one on January 23, 1812, and the other on February 7, 1812. Judging from newspaper accounts of damage to buildings, the February 7 earthquake was the biggest of the three."
2. 1814 - Mount Mayon volcano in the Philippeans had its most violent eruption in 1814. More than 1,200 people were killed and several towns destroyed by mud flows. The eruption buried the town of Cagsawa and large areas of Guinobatan were destroyed.
3. 1815 - The Tambora volcano in Indonesia erupted on April 5th with the largest eruption on April 10th and 11th. The volcanic rain, meteotsunami and climate change killed livestock and destroyed crops. More than 92,000 people died, maybe 100,000, from starvation making this eruption the most deadly on record. Tambora was 100 times the power of the Vesuvius eruption of 79 AD. Tambora is 14,107 feet high and is located on the Sumbawa Island of Indonesia. The chamber with centuries accumulation of magma was emptied of its contents. The ash and gases caused substantial climate change lowering global temperatures one degree, denyig two summers and lasting through the next year. Scientists have calculated that Tambora has erupted three times before. The 1815 eruption of the Tambora volcano is one of four eruptions in the past 10,000 years to have been assigned a Volcanic Explosivity Index of 7. This Tambora eruption was the most powerful eruption in recorded history.
I know that every year we get events somewhere in the world like these
Following is a little historical worldwide earthquake event study based on 38 year time cycles, showing an ever increasing qty of 6.99+ events
Earthquake Trends of 6.99 or greater from the 1800’s to now
1863 to 1900 incl 38 yrs 12
1901 to 1938 incl 38 yrs 53
1939 to 1976 incl 38 yrs 71
1977 to 2010 incl 38 yrs 156*
*predicted as many as ‘190’ by 2014 at end of 38 year cycle (18 x 6.9's so far this year, taking the number up to: 174, making 190 sound very conservative in my opinion). If it keeps going like this, it's lookin more like 215 or more for this current cycle!
Anyway, just wanted to throw this info out there for some discussion, or ridicule as often happens here
Dozens Killed As Quake Strikes In Himalayas
9:35am UK, Monday September 19, 2011
At least 53 people have been killed after a 6.9-magnitude earthquake hit north-east India and neighbouring Nepal.
Four earthquakes hit Guatemala, killing three
Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:42am GM
By Mike McDonald
"GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - Four earthquakes struck southern Guatemala on Monday within 2 1/2 hours, shaking buildings in the capital and killing three people.
The quakes struck near Guatemala's southwestern coast in the sugar cane-growing region around Santa Rosa, forcing the evacuation of about 400 people and cutting electricity and telephone services, emergency services said."
seems relevent too those people,,,
how about, Greece,,Italy,,?
that normal?
Quebec/Ontario???? ,,thats the damn pre-cambrian shield area,, u know, the one that runs all the way too the Rockies,, but u knew that as well,,
So normal,,, no definetly not,,
cautious,, yes,,
very cautious.
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